Chapter Staff
Chapter Leaders are pivotal in our campus mission to advance the Gospel as they minister to the student body at every local campus. Our mission is blessed with many talented, God-given leaders who faithfully serve the role of shepherds worldwide. Chapter Leaders love the Word of God and understand the Bible to share the grace of our Lord Jesus with many souls. They are trained to administer many students to follow the truth on a local campus.
The Chapter Leader Certificate ensures that the participants have obtained the knowledge and skills to minister to one local chapter in unity and harmony. The program also equips leaders to produce Chapter multiplication and pioneering.
Online Course
Chapter Leader Training program covers Biblical, Theological and Administrative topics. The candidates will solidify their biblical understanding through Basic Systematic Theology, Apologetics, and Missiology courses. They will also gain insights and skills on administering their chapters and operating programs. This is a three week program.
Onsite Course
Our onsite Chapter Leader Training program also covers all the topics and areas available in online courses. In addition to these courses, onsite students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained through field experience. In leading frontline mission, they will model how Chapter leaders should run programs and administer students on their campuses.
Chapter Staff Conference
Chapter Staff and Leaders meet regularly to present their mission programs and outreach activities. They exchange contextualized methods and strategies that contribute to a more effective multiplication of mission in the college.
Leadership Education
Our Chapter Leaders are promising potential candidates for continuing the Gospel mission beyond the local level. AM Academy provides abundant resources and educational programs to support Chapter Leaders in fulfilling their present calling and maturing truthfully.

Get in Touch
If you have questions on how to become AM chapter leaders, feel free to contact the email below.