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Discipleship Track

Follow Christ Jesus


"Discipleship is not an offer that man makes to Christ," wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his famous book, "The Cost of Discipleship." This course is exciting and empowering if you desire to follow Jesus as a disciple. Obeying the calling of Jesus may seem challenging and even lonely. However, great is the reward for those who trust His words and put them into practice. 

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About Phase 4 Course
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"Many are invited, but few are chosen," said Jesus (Matthew 22:14). The words of Jesus regarding how we should follow Christ make us feel a bit intimidated no matter how we love our Lord and experience His unconditional mercy and forgiveness. Jesus firmly commanded his followers not to look back even during their father's funeral, even hate their father, mother, and children, to love the Lord more than them, distribute everything to the poor and follow him. "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head," said Jesus toward people willing to follow him. Imitating Jesus and his disciples may seem challenging today. However, let us review His call carefully and find the essence of his teaching toward us. We will find true freedom following Jesus and profound joy in participating in His ministry. 


The course comprises ten days with each different topic. 


Day 1 Come, Follow me (Matthew 4)
Day 2 Three Temptations (Matthew 4)
Day 3 Call Your Husband (John 4)
Day 4 The Way of Disciples (Luke 9)
Day 5 For the Glory of God (John 9)
Day 6 The Parable of the Minas (Luke 19)
Day 7 The Richman and Lazarus (Luke 16)
Day 8 The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16)
Day 9 Work for Food that Endures to Eternal Life (John 6)
Day 10 Feed My Sheep (John 21)

...very inspiring in my walk of faith and helping
me to grow deeper...

Garret Woods from Maryland, USA

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