Course Offerings
Our rigorous curriculum seeks to provide students with the opportunity to flourish into well-rounded Christians and potential mission workers. Both spiritually and emotionally AM Academy actively creates learning opportunities to build the body of Christ!
Learn and discover God's precious will for your life.
Phase 1
Sola Fide is based on the Book of Romans Chapters 1 - 8
Theme: Basic Understanding on the Doctrine of Salvation
Description: "Sola Fide" covers Romans chapters 1-8, which emphasizes our personal salvation through Jesus Christ. The objective of this course is to help students to understand why we need Jesus and receive Him or reaffirm Him as our Savior and Lord.
Number of Classes: 12
Time to Complete: 12 hours

Phase 2
Bible Core is based on Genesis, Romans and Gospel Books
Theme: Four major topics of the Bible
Description: "Bible Core" teaches the four main themes of the Bible. These include Creation, The Fall, Salvation through Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom of God. The course gives a general overview on the structure and key narrative of the Bible
Number of Classes: 7
Time to Complete: 7 hours

Phase 3
Discipleship Track features the Books of Gospel
Theme: Life of Discipleship
Description: The Discipleship Track features a collection of Gospel messages focused on understanding the call to follow Jesus and live as a true disciple of the Lord. Students will study the life of Jesus and engage in in-depth Application and Action discussions to apply in their lives.
Number of Classes: 10
Time to Complete: 10 hours
The Ancestors of Faith features the Book of Genesis
Theme: Faithful response to God's call among godly men
Description: The text introduces landmark figures in the Book of Genesis who faithfully followed the words of truth and became instrumental of advancing God's will on earth. The text book includes stories of Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph to illuminate the path that we are called to take as followers of Christ today.
Number of Classes: 16
Time to Complete: 16 hours

Phase 4
Basics of Christian life features the Book of Exodus
Theme: Spiritual principles of life of Christians
Description: the text goes into the Old Testament Book of Exodus. The messages feature very applicable points of Christian lifestyle and fundamentals of faith that we should maintain in our life as followers of Christ.
Number of Classes: 14
Time to Complete: 14 hours
The Life of Jesus features the Book of John
Theme: Suffering of Cross and Glory of Resurrection
Description: "Path of Cross" highlights the last moments of Jesus on earth until His crucifixion and resurrection. The study covers endlessly profound world of love of Christ who bore suffering in this world to redeem the world.
Phase 5
Sola Gratia features the Book of Romans chapters 9-16
Theme: History of God and Practical Aspects of Christian Life
Description: Paul's living words give ample wisdom for believers today how to interpret God's unending mercy and grace toward this world and how people of God should handle different practical situations within and out of the church.

& so much more!
Miscellaneous Bible messages and training materials for chapter leaders